What should you wear and how to prepare? These are typical questions. First What to wear. Generally, I would recommend that you prepare at least 2-3 different looks/outfits. I would suggest one casual is included (which you can wear to the photo shoot), and one dressier and one professional. If you have a specific look in mind (specifically, professional - bring two professional and on casual). For head shots you will not need to worry about - pants, skirts, shoes. These images are cropped around waist level and up. Layers always look good. Stick with colors that compliment your skin tone. If you are going to wear white please layer a blazer on top. White is bright, it may also appear flat in photos by itself.
We want the clothes to compliment you in these images but not to stand out like a fashion magazine.
Avoid: Distracting patterns and designs, super shiny jewelry, heavier lined fabrics (they can add bulk).
Bring your smile...and lets have some fun!!!!

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