So I have a Gift Card now what??
First off we need to meet. So...
Call to schedule your consultation. This is where we meet and get to know each other, what to expect, and what you want from your photography session. You may text me as well. Please give me a little info in the text besides, 'hey, can we meet soon; I want photos, yo- peace" I cannot wait to meet you, yo!
We also have some questionnaires on our site that help us better get to know you. Take a moment and have some fun with these - fill out the form that best describes your photo session.
While you are waiting for the consultation, you can go ahead and create an account on Micki K's Client website.
Then when your gallery is ready, you will have already done that!! Oh, yes, to create an account just click that link above and you should see a create account (on the desktop it is high top left corner over Micki K Photography logo).
Schedule your Session!
Whoo-hoo, we will schedule a photography session after consulting with you. Consider me your photography consultant...your photography session is now waiting to happen and being constructed, designed...and we are going to have fun! Let us do the rest...
Yikes, what do I wear?
Once booked you will receive suggestions. We will discuss clothing and all aspects of the photographic design prior to the photo session.
How long will the session last?
You can expect the typical session to last an hour and a half. Now, that is not considering pets, small kids, etc. If we have small kids, pets, are involved with a theme then allow for more time :)
A typical Senior Session is around two hours and depending on change of locations can be a little longer. Engagement Session around two hours.
Do you charge extra for outfit changes?
No, but while I recommend at least one outfit change, I don't recommend that we shoot the whole closet.
Do I need to pay a deposit?
Yes please. In order to secure your session date, I require a deposit. It is a non-refundable fee, but will be credited back to your account in print credits.
OMG, I have a pimple!
No worries, you won't notice it was there. Our retouching will take care of it, and make sure you look unbelievably awesome!
Can I bring a friend to my Senior Session?
Of course. If you just want some moral support, someone to tag along, or someone to jump in a couple of pics with you!
Can I bring an aspiring Photographer?
No, While we love to help aspiring photographers and would be happy to help your friend at another time. We also offer classes, workshops and one on one if they are interested. This time is reserved for you and giving our 100% to your session.
Can I have my vehicle in the portrait?
Sure, just please make sure it's free from dirt (nice and clean!). Unless of course, that is the look you are envisioning :) Then mud it up!
Can I bring my Pet?
Yes, Pets are allowed with reservation. Please let us know in advance that you would like to have Spot, Fido, or Ms. Kitty so we are prepared. We not only like to consult with you as a client but with our canine and feline clients as well. We would like to get to know them too.
Do you have a studio?
Yes. We have a studio location.
What if I want to do my portraits outside or at a different Location?
Of course! We love to mix it up, and we want you to be comfortable in your surroundings. During our consult we will discuss your session and we may do a combination of both! We will help with this- trust us! We will make a great team!
There are some locations that we cannot take pictures at, however. Railroad Tracks are off limits! Yes, I know- some photographers use these all the time... they look cool, but, they are PRIVATE PROPERTY! You are TRESPASSING! Yes, even if they are unused...still TRESPASSING! Besides the fact that it is punishable by law in all states it is extremely unsafe and irresponsible. Trains cannot stop like a vehicle; it takes around one mile for a train to stop, and not all sound their horns. Georgia Law below:
(GEORGIA Georgia law states that any person intruding unlawfully upon the tracks of a railroad company without consent is guilty of a misdemeanor. Ga. Code Ann. § 46-8-380 (1999). A person is guilty of criminal trespassing when he knowingly and without authority: 1) Enters upon the land or premises of a railroad or into a railroad car. 2) Enters a railroad car after being notified by the owner that such entry is forbidden. 3) Remains upon the land after being told to leave. Violation of this section is a misdemeanor. Ga. Code Ann. § 16-7-21 (1999). Any person who rides or attempts to ride on a railroad train of any character and conceals himself from the conductor or train authorities by hiding under the train, or on top of the train, or in box cars, on tinders, or elsewhere, for the purposes of avoiding payment of fare, or of stealing a ride thereon, is guilty of a misdemeanor. Ga. Code Ann. § 46-8-381 (1999).)
We have 5 acres of scene on site to choose from and several different outside locations in the area to choose from.
I am so excited to see my images when will they be ready?
I understand you are anxious. Your gallery will be ready for viewing within 2-4 weeks from the portrait session.
I Purchased the Prints and or the Disk can I do whatever I want with the images?
No, you cannot. You will receive usage rights letting you know what is acceptable. If you have questions or would like to use the images for something you do not think is covered just contact me.
The Copyright Act protects photographers by giving the creator of the photograph the exclusive rights to copy, edit and distribute the image by sale or transfer. These exclusive rights make it illegal to copy, scan, edit or share photographic prints and digital media without the photographer??™s permission. Violators of this Federal Law will be subject to its civil and criminal penalties. Be sure to discuss your copyright needs or questions with your photographer; reasonable requests may be accommodate
Can I post your images without purchasing them or asking?
No, you cannot. Again..The Copyright Act protects photographers by giving the creator of the photograph the exclusive rights to copy, edit and distribute the image by sale or transfer. These exclusive rights make it illegal to copy, scan, edit or share photographic prints and digital media without the photographer (This is ME). Violators of this Federal Law will be subject to its civil and criminal penalties. Be sure to discuss your copyright needs or questions with your photographer; reasonable requests may be accommodate
Do you travel?
Yes. And depending on where, type of shoot...I may stay the night before to be well rested and energized for the photo shoot.
When is the best time to schedule newborn portraits?
We recommend scheduling between 5 and ten days of birth and no later.
When is the best time to schedule senior portraits?
That is up to you? What is your favorite time of year? What season would you like to dress for?
What if I need to reschedule?
Of course, that is understandable. I know that life happens. Please try to contact me at least 24 hours in advance if you do need to reschedule. We will work it out!
What if the weather is unsuitable for my outdoor session?
Don't fret! We can still shoot in the studio! For the outdoor shoots...we can still reschedule, but the day will not be wasted!
If you have unanswered questions, please send me an email:
Payment in full for the photography session reserves your session date and time.
All photography sessions, portrait preview sessions, and portrait pick up is by appointment only.
I am available at times that are convenient to you.
I??™ll arrive a few minutes early to set up.
I will give you my full attention. I schedule no more than two sessions per day.
I will touch base with you to review our plan for the session.
I will take a little time to get to know you/your family and let them get used to me before we begin shooting.
I will not make you say 'cheese??™ or 'fuzzy pickles??™. We don??™t want those kind of smiles...we may be cheesy just not like that.
I will ask you to do things other than pose. It might be fun. Relax and enjoy.
The session generally lasts between 60 and 120 minutes with time for a break and/or drink, if necessary.
Your portraits will be culled to the absolute best of the best, usually 30-35 images.
All images will be color corrected, cropped, and prepared for presentation.
Within 2 weeks, we will conduct our order session at the studio, and you will make portrait selections.
Your order will be processed and completed within 4 weeks (slightly longer for albums and specialty products).
We will archive all of your ordered images for reorders for one year.
A pre-session phone or in-person consultation to discuss your portrait needs
A photo shoot at the studio, your home, or another location with Micki K Photography
Up to five people ($35 for each additional subject/pet)
At least 30 images presented
A personal order session at the studio within 2 weeks of your session
Additional prints and products available a la cart
No camera/cell phones are allowed at sessions, or at photo or order sessions.
In case of rain or severe weather, the studio reserves the right to postpone the session, but no more than 2 weeks.
Sessions may be rescheduled by the client once; otherwise the retainer will be forfeited.
Due to the custom nature of portraits, all orders are paid in full at the order session.
Our studio accepts cash, checks, and credit card payments.
Session Fees are $225.00. You will receive that back in a print credit. There is a $100 minimum for re-orders. Current pricing will apply.
Prices are subject to change without notice, but current pricing at time of booking is honored for one month after sessions occur.
To make room for new clients, un-ordered images will be purged from our systems 30 days after your session. Ordered images will be archived in our system for 1 year for holiday cards and reorders
USE OF IMAGES In 1976, the Federal Government passed the copyright law to prevent the copying of protected materials, including books, sheet music, and professionally created photographs.
The portraits you have commissioned us to create are from one of the most celebrated custom boutique studios in the industry. Your Studio Photography invests heavily in education and training in order to provide the highest level of quality of photography. As such, duplicating, scanning or copying images creates a severe loss of color, clarity and permanence in the portraiture.
Since such losses reflect poorly on the reputation of our professional work, Your Studio Photography has reserved the copyright on each portrait we create.
We sincerely appreciate your understanding and cooperation in helping us continue to provide the highest levels of quality and integrity for which we are known.
The COPYRIGHT ACT protects photographers by giving the author of the photograph the exclusive right to reproduce your photographs, including the right to control the production of copies.
It is illegal to copy or reproduce these photographs elsewhere without our written permission.
Copyright infringement is a felony and is punishable by civil and criminal penalties. The law also
Schedule Your Session Today!!
Family Portraits- $350.00 – The session includes the consult, the photography session, a private viewing gallery, and photographers favorites digital edited and retouched on digital media with personal usage rights. We will give you recommendations of where to print or you may order directly and receive a $100.00 Print/Product Credit towards any purchase.
Corporate Headshots $175.00 –
Seniors $325.00 – Micki K Photography and our amazing Seniors are putting the ‘U' in Unique! Give us a shout and check out our Senior Session FAQ? We can't I can't wait to meet you!
Newborn photography is an art and a challenge. We must get a little creative at the same time we must be extra careful to ensure the safety of the child. Thank you for choosing us as your photographer! and congrats on your new addition to your family!
There are a few okay more than a few things we need to do in order to have a successful shoot.
First we need your little one to be sleepy and happy so we will ask you to feed him/her and have extra bottles on hand. We will want to take the pictures at their sleepiest time so... We like the nap closest to 10am or after lunch. We also need the temperature to be a balmy 80 degrees. So dress accordingly and have a fan in a nearby room (if we are coming to your location. Okay, now to the fun part...How do we get those cool poses.
Well, we will need every ones help. If you have other kids please have a sitter so we adequate time with the newborn and no interruptions. Every interruption will cause us to have to start over with the pose. One successful pose could take up to 5 minutes, ten minutes or more. It is well worth it! If you have twins the time doubles!!! Triples...oh, my!
We will start with the easy poses, wraps and things. Then move to the harder poses (composites). You will understand after the consult :) Those cute little poses aren't always what they seem ;) This is where mom and dad get to help make some magic happen (and once you schedule your date- our guides will be send to you.
If you are coming to the studio and have other kids please bring the sitter with you (bring games, movies, toys, etc). Bring snacks and let us know what kind of drinks to have on hand for your family. Picnic time :)
If we are coming to your location we need an area to set up our little set(s). Make space in your living room or den that would be great. We have a bean bag, back drops, bed, roll up wood flooring, pails, vintage round wagon, wooden bowl, etc...
Okay, be patient this could take a while...dads bring your kindle, headphones... and be prepared to lend a hand when we need you :) Typical sessions take anywhere from 1 1/2 hours to 2 hours but depending on feedings and fussiness levels could be more or less.
How do we keep them asleep? Keeping them well fed. Keeping them in a warm environment (that's why we ask you to crank the heat to a balmy 80) and we like some white noise :). If you have an app that plays white noise sounds like a fan or sounds of moms heart beat or womb that's great! You can download these from the app store.
While we do have some tricks for certain things nothing will work if baby isn't comfy or if he/she is we might as well hang it up for a while until the right time. Patience is key with little ones!

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