Newborn photography is an art and a challenge. We must get a little creative at the same time we must be extra careful to ensure the safety of the child. Thank you for choosing us as your photographer! and congrats on your new addition to your family!
There are a few okay more than a few things we need to do in order to have a successful shoot.
First we need your little one to be sleepy and happy so we will ask you to feed him/her and have extra bottles on hand. We will want to take the pictures at their sleepiest time so... We like the nap closest to 10am or after lunch. We also need the temperature to be a balmy 80 degrees. So dress accordingly and have a fan in a nearby room (if we are coming to your location. Okay, now to the fun part...How do we get those cool poses.
Well, we will need every ones help. If you have other kids please have a sitter so we adequate time with the newborn and no interruptions. Every interruption will cause us to have to start over with the pose. One successful pose could take up to 5 minutes, ten minutes or more. It is well worth it! If you have twins the time doubles!!! Triples...oh, my!
We will start with the easy poses, wraps and things. Then move to the harder poses (composites). You will understand after the consult :) Those cute little poses aren't always what they seem ;) This is where mom and dad get to help make some magic happen (and once you schedule your date- our guides will be send to you.
If you are coming to the studio and have other kids please bring the sitter with you (bring games, movies, toys, etc). Bring snacks and let us know what kind of drinks to have on hand for your family. Picnic time :)
If we are coming to your location we need an area to set up our little set(s). Make space in your living room or den that would be great. We have a bean bag, back drops, bed, roll up wood flooring, pails, vintage round wagon, wooden bowl, etc...
Okay, be patient this could take a while...dads bring your kindle, headphones... and be prepared to lend a hand when we need you :) Typical sessions take anywhere from 1 1/2 hours to 2 hours but depending on feedings and fussiness levels could be more or less.
How do we keep them asleep? Keeping them well fed. Keeping them in a warm environment (that's why we ask you to crank the heat to a balmy 80) and we like some white noise :). If you have an app that plays white noise sounds like a fan or sounds of moms heart beat or womb that's great! You can download these from the app store.
While we do have some tricks for certain things nothing will work if baby isn't comfy or if he/she is we might as well hang it up for a while until the right time. Patience is key with little ones!

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